To know God and to make Him known


Age 12+

Students will rise to a challenge.

Every challenge is an opportunity for meaningful growth and a catalyst for lifelong learning.

Scroll down to learn more about our six Challenge programs. Explore each in more detail using the clickable timeline at the bottom of the page.

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The Challenge Program

Many parents question, “How can I homeschool through high school?” Our Challenge program outlines the steps many homeschooling parents want to know, like curriculum choices, where to purchase coursework resources, how to develop high school transcripts and even how to earn college credit.

Parents help their student to develop time-management skills and good study habits, assess their student’s work, and assign grades. Students learn by completing weekly coursework and participating in community. The Challenge Director works alongside the parents’ at-home efforts by facilitating weekly conversations and modeling learning. Throughout, Tutors partner with parents to mentor and disciple students to imitate Christ.

Challenge programs meet for fifteen weeks each semester for two semesters so that they can practice the classical tools of learning with six seminars of academic content. At-home and community assignments are described in the Challenge Guide for each program. Students read, research and practice at home and come to community prepared for public speaking, discussion, debate, and experiments.

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What Makes the Challenge Program Unique?

  • Community time is used by students to practice skills instead of sitting in a lecture.
  • Directors help students to see how knowledge glorifies God, cultivating lifelong learners and lovers of His creation.
  • Directors serve as a mentor, discipling and encouraging his or her small group of students.
  • Directors equip students to discover that all knowledge works together in an indivisible universe rather than a disconnected “multiverse,” helping students make connections between science, math, philosophy, theology, history, literature, and economics.
  • Directors guide students from knowledge, to understanding, to wisdom.
  • Directors focus on skills rather than subjects.
Students shaking hands at a Classical Conversations community

Support for the Journey

In this local community environment, parents receive support, training, resources and accountability from other homeschool parents, giving them confidence to homeschool their child throughout all of their high school years.

Students reading at a Classical Conversations community around a table

Challenge Learning

Consistent progression through each year-long Challenge program emboldens students to think critically, engage in dialectic discovery, and formulate original rhetorical arguments as they learn to see connections between themselves, their community, and their faith.

Additionally, in progressing through the Challenge program, students have the opportunity to participate in earning college credits even as their parents are working toward their own Associate, Bachelor or Master degree.

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CLC has been great in helping me follow a form in preparing my lessons at home . . . I think through the lessons . . . and how to relate them to the students and create a desire to learn the material. The questions have been very helpful in assessing that the students are following the lessons, too.


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